Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Cara Membuat Abstract

Ini Adalah Contoh Abstract 
This essay specifically analyzes the juridical implications of the constitutional court verdict No. 11-14-21-126-136/PUU-VII/2009, dated March 31st, 2010, related to law number 9 in 2009 on legal education. The Constitutional Court granted the request of the applicant for the most part. One of the ruling of the Constitutional Court stated that Law No. 9 of 2009 on Legal Education contrary to the 1945 state constitution and has no binding legal force. Juridical implications of the verdict shall be a legal vacuum (rechtvacuum) in education in Indonesia, which influence the legislation governing the management and implementation of education (education unit of governance) and levels of education, especially those held by the foundation. Therefore, it is necessary immediately to establish a law as a substitute for The Law of Legal Education and do a redesign for the conductor of the educational unit.

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