Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Definisi informatika kedokteran

Beberapa contoh definisi informatika kedokteran yang pernah ditulis adalah sebagai berikut (sengaja tidak "diIndonesiakan" untuk menjaga makna):

Morris F Collen (1977) 1:

"Medical informatics is the application of computers, communications and information technology and systems to all fields of medicine - medical care, medical education and medical research."

Jack D Myers (1986) 2:

"Medical informatics is a developing body of knowledge and a set of techniques concerning the organizational management of information in support of medical research, education, and patient care.... Medical informatics combines medical science with several technologies and disciplines in the information and computer sciences and provides methodologies by which these can contribute to better use of the medical knowledge base and ultimately to better medical care."

Jan H. van Bemmel (1996) 3:

“Medical information science is the science of using system-analytic tools … to develop procedures (algorithms) for management, process control, decision making and scientific analysis of medical knowledge.”

“Medical informatics comprises the theoritical and practical aspects of information processing and communication, based on knowledge and experience derived from processes in medicine and health care.”

Reinhold Haux (1997) 4:

"Medical informatics is the discipline concerned with the systematic processing of data, information and knowledge in medicine and health care. The ultimate goal should always be to improve the quality of health care, and to improve research and education in medicine and in the health sciences."

Wikipedia (2006) 5:

"Health informatics or medical informatics is the intersection of information science, medicine and health care. It deals with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics tools include not only computers but also clinical guidelines, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems."

Dari definisi-definisi tersebut dapat diambil beberapa konsep penting informatika kesehatan:
1. Informatika kedokteran merupakan pertemuan beberapa disiplin ilmu, terutama informatika dan kedokteran, serta bidang-bidang pendukung dua disiplin tersebut;
2. Aktifitas informatika kedokteran berhubungan dengan pengumpulan, pengiriman, pemrosesan data menjadi informasi dan pengetahuan;
3. Pada awal perkembangan, informatika kedokteran identik dengan aspek teknis, seperti aplikasi komputer, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk bidang kedokteran. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, bahasan dan penerapan informatika kedokteran juga mencakup aspek kognitif dan sosial;
4. Tujuan pencapaian informatika kedokteran diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan, penelitian dan pendidikan kedokteran.

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